A master index of the names contained on the WW1 War Memorials transcribed and photographed so far, there are hundreds more to come so this database will be updated on a regular basis. Use the search boxes below to find records. You can start with a wide search on a surname and then filter those by adding a forename, then further add a year or a parish or, if you know what you are looking for, narrow the search by using more of the search boxes from the start.

If you identify an entry which you believe relevant to your research but do not have access to the original document please contact us, and we will be happy to provide you with the details.

Fallen of WW1
First Name: 
SWFHS Memorial: 
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# Rank   Number   First Name   Last   Regiment   Medals   Died   How   Age   Theatre   CWGC Grave Site   SWFHS Memorial 
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